Game List

Game Number of Players Age Recommendation
7 Wonders Duel 2 10+
Adventures of Robin Hood 2–4 10+
Agricola 1–5 12+
Aleph Null 1 12+
Alhambra Big Box Edition 2–6 8+
Alice is Missing 3–5 16+
Anansi 3–5 10+
Apiary 1–5 14+
Aquatica 1–4 12+
Arboretum 2–4 8+
Archduke 2 12+
Architects of the West Kingdom 1–5 12+
Aurum 2–4 10+
Azul 2–4 8+
Bananagrams 1–8 7+
Battle Line 2 12+
Battleship 2 7+
Beer & Bread 2 10+
Betrayal at the House on the Hill 3–6 12+
Between Two Cities 1–7 8+
Blockbuster 4–10 12+
Blokus 2–4 5+
Bloodborne 1–4 14+
Blue Skies 2–5 14+
Bohnanza 2–7 12+
Brew 2–4 10+
Candy Land 2–4 3+
Carcassonne 2–5 7+
Castle Panic 1–6 10+
Cat in the Box 2–5 13+
Challengers! 1–8 8+
Charterstone 1–6 14+
Checkers 2 6+
Chess 2 6+
Chronology 2–8 14+
Clinic 1–4 14+
Cobra Paw 2–6 6+
Codenames 2–8 14+
Coffee Traders 3–5 12+
Connect 4 2 6+
Coup 2–6 10+
Coyote 3–6 10+
Crescent Moon 4–5 14+
Cryptic Urban Legends 2 14+
Cryptid Cafe 1–4 10+
CuBirds 2–5 8+
Curious Cargo 2 12+
Darwin’s Journey 1–4 14+
Decrypto 3–8 12+
Deep Sea Adventure 2–6 8+
Dice Forge 2–4 10+
Dinosaur Island 1–4 10+
District Noir 2 10+
DiXit 3–6 8+
Doodle Mash 3–7 8+
Duel of Wands 2 10+
Dune Imperium 1–4 14+
Estates 2–5 12+
Ever sell 2–4 10+
Ex Libris 1–4 12+
Fog of Love 2 17+
Forbidden Desert 2–5 10+
Fox in the Forest 2 10+
Framework 1–4 8+
Galaxy Trucker 2–4 10+
Game of Life 2–4 8+
Gladius 2–5 14+
Guess Who? 2 6+
Gunkimono 2–5 10+
Hadrian’s Wall 1–6 12+
Happy Little Dinosaurs 2–4 8+
Happy Salmon 3–8 6+
Heat Pedal to the Medal 1–6 10+
Here to Slay 2–6 10+
HeroScape 2+ 8+
Hibachi 2–4 10+
High Society 3–5 10+
Homicide Heist 2–6 14+
Hues and Cues 3–10 8+
Icarus 3–5 14+
Inis 2–4 14+
Ishtar 2–4 14+
Jenga 1+ 6+
Juicy Fruits 1–4 8+
Junk Orbit 2–5 10+
King of Tokyo 2–6 8+
Kingdomino 2–4 8+
Kitten 2–4 6+
Knarr 2–4 10+
KuZooka 2–6 10+
Labyrinth 2-4 7+
Life Siphon 2–4 14+
Mariposas 2–5 14+
Mascarade 2–13 10+
Mind MGMT 1–5 13+
Monopoly 2–8 8+
Morbid Curiosity 2–6 17+
Munchkin Adventure Time 3–6 10+
Munchkin Critical Role 3–6 10+
Munchkin Deluxe 3–6 10+
Mynchkin Batman 3–6 10+
Not So Neighborly 2–6 8+
Obscurio 2–8 10+
One Night Werewolf 3–10 8+
Paleo 2–4 10+
Pandemic 2–4 8+
Patchwork 2 8+
Peek & Push 2–4 6+
Pendulum 1–5 12+
Photosynthesis 2–4 10+
Point Salad 2–6 14+
Radlands 2 14+
Raiders of Scythia 1–4 12+
Ravine 3–6 10+
Red Dragon Inn 2–4 13+
Red Flags 3–10 17+
Red Rising 1–6 14+
Renature 2–4 8+
Res Arcana 2–4 12+
Ride the Rails 3–5 12+
Riftforce 2 10+
Rising Sun 3–5 14+
Risk 2–6 10+
Roll Player 1–4 10+
Rolling Realms 1–6 14+
Royal Game of Ur 2 8+
Sagrada 1–4 13+
Same Same But Different 3–8 17+
Say Anything 3–8 13+
Schotten Totten 2 2 8+
Scout 2–5 9+
Scrabble 2–4 10+
Settlers of Catan 3–4 10+
Sheriff of Nottingham 3–5 14+
Sherlock Holmes 1–8 13+
Skull 3–6 10+
Snallygaster Situation 2–5 8+
Sobek 2 10+
Splendor 2–4 10+
Star Realms 2 12+
Strawberry Sunset 2–4 8+
Taboo 4–10 13+
Tammany Hall 3–5 12+
Tapestry 1–5 12+
Telestrations 4–8 12+
Terra Mystica 2–5 12+
Terra Nova 2–4 12+
The Best Friend Game 4–8 14+
The Crew Mission Deep Sea 2–5 10+
The Date Game 2–6 17+
The Game 1–5 8+
The Mind 2–4 8+
The Shining 3–5 17+
The Wolves 2–5 14+
Tichu 4 10+
Ticket to Ride 2–5 8+
Tikal 2–4 10+
Tinderblox 2–6 6+
Tomato 2–6 8+
Trash Panda 2–4 8+
Tsuro 2–8 8+
Ukutoa 3–6 8+
Ultimate Werewolf 5–75 13+
Umbra Via 2–4 8+
Unearth 2–4 8+
Unmatched Battle of Legends 2–4 9+
Unmatched Houdini & the Genie 2 9+
Unmatched Jurassic Park 2 9+
Unmatched Suns Origin 2 9+
Uno 2–10 7+
Unrest 2–4 14+
Upwords 2–4 8+
Vivid Memories 1–4 13+
Wandering Towers 2–6 8+
Watergate 2 12+
Werewords 4–10 8+
Windward 1–5 14+
Wingspan 1–5 10+
Yahtzee 2+ 8+